Prime 1 Studio
Prime 1 Studio produces premium limited edition statues, figures and busts. UK Collectors can pre-order upcoming statues with us. We take care of importing and also offer payment plans to spread the cost if you wish. We've been doing this since 2013 for thousands of UK collectors.
Prime 1 Studio statues typically focus on 1/3 and 1/2 scales. Huge statues which aren't cheap to buy, but they are amazing to behold!
Prime 1 Studio statues cover brands including Batman video games, Suicide Squad, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many more. Due to the high cost of these items, we ship them to UK only and they are special order and ordered upon request. Prime 1's range is large so if we're not listing an item of theirs that you want, please contact us and we'll check availability for you.
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